My project requires the software to be cross-platform (Windows and Unix), therefore the installtion and compilation of the two libraries on both platforms is definitely the start.... But, it's not that easy....So I write this post to help those who want to use the two libraries together cross-platform.
This guide is according to my notes which is already a month old, so it might not contain all steps needed, but I'm pretty positive that it covers at least 90% of what needs to be done.... if you find error, please report here, I might be able to figure out.
1. On Windows (tested on Windows 7 and Xp)
Very easy.
- Download OpenCascade for Windows and install.
- Download and install MS Visual C++ Express 2008 (Free).
- Download Qt-OPENSOURCE for Windows and compile with VS2008 as here
- NOTE: the Qt Creator SDK will NOT work with OpenCascade library due to it was compiled by Visual C++ while Qt SDK uses MinGW. I've tried and failed to compile OpenCascade source using MinGW, if you can, that'd be awesome if you can share.
- Make sure you add in the following to includeyour VC++ Project properties Tools-Options-Projects and Solutions - VC++ Directories
- For "include file": add $(PATH)\include and $(CASROOT)\inc
- For Library File: add $(CASROOT)\win32\libd
- Above assumed you used standard installation procedure for OpenCascade and Qt.
- Make sure environment variable $PATH has the following, it might be overkilled but it worked for me, you can eliminate some if you want C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\ros\win32\libd;C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\ros;\Qt\4.6.1\bin;C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\3rdparty\win32\vs;C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\3rdparty\win32\tcltk\bin;C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\ros\win32\bin
- $(CASROOT) should already be set to C:\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\ros\
- Before compiling, make sure your linker knows it needs OpenCascade Library (VS) Projects--Properties--Configuration Properties -- Linker -- Input
- Then aat Additional Dependency, make sure you have (if not, just add), this again might be overkilled... but worked
- TKernel.lib
- TKGeomBase.lib
- TKTopAlgo.lib
- TKOffset.lib
- TKBool.lib
- TKPrim.lib
- TKFillet.lib
- odbc32.lib
- odbccp32.lib
- TKMath.lib
- TKService.lib
- TKV3d.lib
- TKBrep.lib
- TKIGES.lib
- PTKernel.lib
- TKSTL.lib
- TKVRML.lib
- TKSTEP.lib
- TKShapeSchema.lib
- TKG3d.lib
- TKG2d.lib
- TKXSBase.lib
- TKPShape.lib
- TKShHealing.lib
- TKBO.lib
- qtmaind.lib
- QtCored4.lib
- QtGuid4.lib
- QtOpenGLd4.lib
- opengl32.lib
- glu32.lib
- Qt3Supportd4.lib
- comdlg32.lib
- QtTestd4.lib
- You should be able to compile and run the "Tutorial" code comes with OpenCascade in VS2008 and see how it works.
- To be continued